April 4, 2012

NPS Civil War Publications

There is an excellent article by Charles Michaud in the April 2012 issue of Firsts: The Book Collector's Magazine titled "Collecting National Park Service Civil War Publications." This essay discusses collecting a type of Civil War item that I had never even thought of, though that may now change. ;-)The piece also notes that "extensive checklists for this article will appear in next month's issue."

Individual articles are not available online though the magazine does sell individual issues.


Ron Baumgarten said...

I actually have collected a few of the NPS Civil War battlefield handbooks. Alas, they are re-prints of the originals from (I think) the 1960s. The first one I ever bought was at Antietam in the early 80s. I recently found Shiloh and Chickamauga at a used book sale in N. Virginia (again, not first editions). Are these among the NPS publications that the author mentioned? I find the handbooks to be an interesting introduction to the battles and battlefields, and you can't beat the dated look and feel.

Paul Taylor said...

Hi Ron - It sounds like the same pamphlets the author mentions, especially if published by the NPS.